Location: Cowlitz County, Washington, United States

Wednesday, May 26, 2004


I've been putting off starting a blog because I didn't feel that I had much to say. Today I feel I'm brimming over, but I'm tired and I have the sense not to follow all those bunny trails at once. I expect my blog to ramble around between the literary, the political, Christian life, and the mundane--what's happening in my home and my life. Right now I'm working on notes for a persuasive speech (for a speech class) and some of my thinking will probably spill over here as I work it out. General theme, but not yet a fully developed thesis: If you are outraged by the Abu Ghraib scandal, speak up--translate your outrage into democracy in action.

My blog title, "A Tree by the Stream," was also the title for my "index" page at Themestream, where I published some poetry a few years ago. An interesting adventure in literature and greed; but I write more and better when I have an attentive audience, and Themestream gave me that. Long-time net friends may also remember my home page "A Sparrow's Nest" with its diary "Garden and Wilderness Notes."



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