Location: Cowlitz County, Washington, United States

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Stay tuned for upcoming freedom rant

There are things I've been wanting to say that are too big to say in a few words; I'm thinking them through. It's in what some other writer (if I could remember who I would give credit) calls the "composting" stage. I want to take a long view and have a historical perspective. I was going to use the subject as a speech topic, but decided it was too big and changed my topic. I'm going to block out time to get it written next week, and will be posting it, probably in a few sections. But it's along the lines of "is this what our freedom amounts to? The freedom to torture, to humiliate, to abuse?" and "if we are doing such things in the name of freedom, can we say that we are free at all?" Stay tuned.


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